
Protect Your Kid From Covid 19 (With Solution)

When covid19 pandemic started, people around the globe was clueless how to handle it! There was always an unknown fear to deal with the death! But the situation parents faced throughout this covid 19 pandemic phase is pathetic! The thought that my child is Covid positive, is one of the worst nightmare! As parents are worried about the safety of their kids, children from covid. Yes, worldwide vaccination started. But what about the not adults citizens of the world?

Vaccines and Children:

Everything from the lock down to maintaining strict covid protocols whatever humans did, only to prevent the spread of this virus. Because spreading of this virus is still killing people worldwide. The most recent example is possibly the USA, there is no secret anymore!

Since the world get the covid19 vaccine, the whole world is giving priority to vaccination. Because honestly, this is the only way humans can save their lives from corona virus. But initially, only Pfizer BioNTech Covid Vaccine was for children of above 12 years. Later few other vaccines (like Covaxin) are allowed to be given to children of above 12 years of age. Mostly, the vaccines of covid 19 are still for adults! So what about the citizens of below 12 years?

Here it is also important to mention, that anyone is vaccinated means that individual person is safe from the fatal outcome of the corona virus, but it is possible they can be carry this virus to others.

Children and Pandemic:

Now you must be thinking why to bother because pandemic is almost going to end. But wait, before you made any conclusion. It is true that pandemic is going to an end. At the same time, this is the most dangerous time for everyone who have not vaccinated yet including the children, toddlers, babies or even infants- each age group is in the risky zone.

If like the nightmare third wave actually hit, these age group from newborns to 12 years will really get affected very badly. That is not the end. Suppose if there is no such third wave, you are thinking the children are then safe? Not actually.

The impact of corona virus is different in different age group, that we discussed further. But the problem is there is no medicine against any virus! Once any virus enters our body, it stays within the body forever!

Sounds impossible but that is true, initially it is showing no symptom or mild illness in children but it can show more complicated symptom (manifestation of the virus) at any point of time or age till the protection shield (vaccine) is not given. So be it pandemic or not, the problem still persists. It is best to keep away children from this virus.

Covid 19 and Newborns:

Various research pointed the fact that all the covid 19 pandemic newborns were born with natural immunity against Covid. Yes worldwide various cases reported where the mother get the infection but it wasn’t impact the newborn health. In fact, cases reported where parents get the covid infection and lead to death, but the newborn is completely fit and fine.

So apparently we can say newborns are really safe. So parents of newborns no need to worry about the newborn child. But yes, certainly they need to focus on their own health. As parents maintain all covid protocols carefully.

Covid 19 and Babies Infants:

Worldwide the babies between the age of 2 months to 12 months are also showing the same impact of covid 19 like the newborns. In some cases there are very mild fever that parents can not even distinguish from the normal body warming. Very little or almost negligible cases found with any critical or serious health issues for covid positive babies. Many times even it is seen that after living with the covid positive adults they are not covid positive.

So till date, parents of babies can sit and relax with maintaining precautions. Needless to mention do not even try to close or cover the face of your baby anytime. This is the time when the respiratory system including the brain of your baby is growing. So any obstruction in breathing can hamper or permanently damage the internal organs. So how to protect them? keep reading..

Covid 19 and Toddlers:

With toddlers of age between 12 moths to 48 months still there is no sufficient data to conclude about the impact of covid 19 in toddlers. Mostly it is seen that the effect of corona virus is minimum, but there are also many cases when weeks after the actual covid 19 infection, toddlers are complaining issues like high fever, breathing difficulty. Although the numbers are limited but even then there is such data. Also here it is important to mention, some countries specially in the Asia faced toddlers high infection rate that turned serious, but the exact data are still yet to come.

So as a parent you need to be extra careful. But very similar to infants toddlers are even not allowed to wear any mask for up to 6 years! Why? Because up to the age of 6 years the air passages are narrow and the whole body of your baby are in growing state, so any kind of cover, mask or similar breathing filter or obstruction will hamper the growth of the organs and may lead to permanent damage. No worries there are other ways you can protect your child.

Covid 19 and Children of Age Between 6 years to 12 years:

For children of age group of between 4 years to 6 years, it is seen that they are getting affected with covid 19 virus and mostly what they are facing most is physical weakness, fatigue. Certainly the weakness is really a serious concern, so taking good amount of rest with proper nutrition is all needed.

For children above 6 years of age to the age of 12 years shown the highest fatality rate among all the children group. This age group is considering the most fragile group for the third wave of Covid 19 pandemic. Nothing to worry about. If you are parent of this this age group child, please be some extra careful. This extra precaution is something that can prevent the whole danger.

As already told it is a strict no for any mask or cover to your baby till the age of 6 years, that may lead to permanent damage of the organs of your baby. Above the age of 6 years the mask is allowed to wear, but consider if it is possible to not go out. Also if your child is bound to go out and wear a mask, try to reduce the mask wearing time as much as possible.

Covid 19 and Children Above 12 years of Age:

If you are living in a country where there is a possible way to vaccinate your child of 12 years or above, then please go for it. The age groups of above 12 years are advised to take the vaccine shot because they are more prone to covid 19 and the cases become serious many times. It is best to take all the precautions just like adults regading wearing face mask.

Parents of this age group has the complete responsibility to convey the importance of covid protocol to their teen child by following all covid protocols by your own. Although in this generation, children are smarter than their parents so they know the right over wrong. Still if possible, try to monitor the activities of your child regarding the covid protocol obeying.

Ways to Prevent Covid 19 in Kids and Children:

Wear a Mask

If you are the parent of Newborn or Toddler or Infant, the whole responsibility of keeping your baby away from covid is your. So the only thing you need to do is to follow all the covid protocols very seriously. Even if you are the parent of child with some higher age, still you should ensure that you will never be the cause of your child’s covid 19 infection. So whatever you go outside, always wear a mask covering your nose and mouth. Not even for a single time, you should stay without mask outside, even after your vaccination.

Here the mask should be a three layer mask as ecommanded by World Health Organization.

Please bear in mind, as a parent your vaccination never ensures that you can not get the covid 19 infection or can not spread it to your child!

Maintain Social Distancing

For this reason it is vital that you maintain a social distancing. If maintaining social distancing is not possible, then avoid those places. For child below 6 year it is either best to not go outside as they are unable to wear a mask. Else if they are going somewhere ensure that every indvidual people around your child are wearing the mask. go somewhere

Washing and Cleaning Yourself After Returning Home:

When you are outside, you are exposed to many virus including corona virus. So just after returning home the first thing is to cleanse yourself so that there will be no traces of Covid 19. Before this cleaning process do not touch anything or anyone. If you can properly maintain it the 70% problem is solved.

Do not get in touch with people more than 15 minutes:

Try to stay with the same person less than 15 minutes. Consider each person you meet or face as covid positive, this helps you to be more conscious. This way you can prevent the virus very easily.

Try To Aviod Eating or Drinking Outside:

It is very difficult to maintain we know, but if possible try to avoid eating or drinking outside. Because once you open the mask you are inviting risk by your own. Also outside of home, maintaining the hygiene is really a challenge. So if possible try to avoid both in public place.


Do not be worried, because you are the only world to your child. Moreover, children can always feel the pulse of the parents. So be calm and peaceful from inside. It is not a time to worry, because when you give your 100% effort to prevent covid 19, there is no fear of the infection. Stay healthy and safe. Be happy.


  1. WHO Journal
  2. COVID-19: Sports. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 19, 2021.
  1. Hong H, et al. Clinical characteristics of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in newborns, infants and children. Pediatrics & Neonatology. 2020; doi: 10.1016/j.pedneo.2020.03.001.
  2. COVID-19 vaccine: Frequently asked questions. American Academy of Pediatrics. Asked March 22, 2021.
  3. Dong Y, et al. Epidemiological characteristics of 2143 pediatric patients with 2019 coronavirus disease in China. Pediatrics. 2020; doi:10.1542/peds.2020-0702.
  4. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): How to protect yourself & others. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 19, 2021.
  5. Godfred-Cato S, et al. COVID-19-associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children—United States, March –July 2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2020; doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000002860.
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