
Teeth Eruption Chart

Teeth eruption simply means when the tooth appears in the oral cavity. The teeth eruption timing as according ages is almost common for every individual.

Milk Teeth Eruption Chart

DentitionToothEruption (Months)
Primary (Deciduous) Upper TeethCentral Incisor10 (Range 8-12) Months
Lateral Incisor11 (Range 9-13) Months
Canine19 (Range 16-22) Months
First Molar16 (Range 13-19) Months For Male,
(Range 14-16) Months for Female
Second Molar29 (Range 25-31) Months
Primary (Deciduous) Lower TeethCentral Incisor8 (Range 6-10) Months
Lateral Incisor13 (Range 10-16) Months
Canine20 (Range 17-23) Months
First Molar16 (Range 14-18) Months
Second Molar27 (Range 23-31) Months For Male,
(Range 24-30) Months for Female
Milk Teeth Eruption Chart

Teeth Eruption Chart For Permanent Teeth

DentitionToothEruption (Years)
Permanent Upper TeethCentral Incisor7-8 years
Lateral Incisor 8-9 years
Canine11-12 years
First Premolar10-11 years
Second Premolar10-12 years
First Molar6-7 years
Second Molar12-13 years
Third Molar17-21 years
Permanent Lower TeethCentral Incisor6-7 years
Lateral Incisor7-8 years
Canine9-10 years
First Premolar10-12 years
Second Premolar11-12 years
First Molar6-7 years
Second Molar11-13 years
Third Molar17-21 years
Permanent Teeth Eruption Chart

Both the above are normal teeth eruption chart. When the tooth does not appear in mouth in the above mentioned time range for both milk teeth and adults, it is considered abnormal. There are some health conditions that causes the tooth to appear in the mouth early than the normal time range. This situation is called early eruption.

Similarly, when the teeth appears in mouth lately than the normal time frame, it is called late teeth eruption. There are many reasons for both late teeth eruptions and early teeth eruption. If the timing is very much early or delayed then it is advised to consult with doctor.


Wheeler’s Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion Page 36

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